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- Selected Commentary from the Participants


[It was so impressive and wonderful!]

“Jeg har aldrig set Noh live før, så det var rigtig spændende endelig at opleve det.” 

[I have never seen Noh live before, so it was really exciting to experience it finally. ]

“En meget fantastisk oplevelse og et glædeligt gensyn.”

[A very fantastic experience and a pleasant reunion (with Noh theater).]



“The history of NOH was really interesting, and to see the preparation of Isa was the best surprise.”



“Det er en meget speciel oplevelse.”

[It is a very special experience.]


“Very emotional and at the same time relaxing, due to the slow pace in which the story is told.”



“Interesting - meditative - inspiring”



“Det er anden gang jeg oplever noh. Første gang var i Japan, og dengang var det ekstremt langt og faktisk rimelig kedeligt. 


Denne gang i koncertkirken var der langt mere action. Det var som et greatest hits udpluk, ligesom når man går til koncert og hører de bedste arier fra en lang opera. 


Og det var ret lækkert at få serveret så mange forskellige former på så kort tid. Bestemt en spændende koncert.”

[It is second time I experience Noh. First time I was in Japan, and that time it was extremely long and actually quite boring. 


This time in the Koncertkirken there was far more action. It was like the greatest hits picked up, like when you go to a concert and hear the best arias from a long opera. 


And it was nice to have served so many different shapes in such a short time. Certainly an exciting concert.]

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